Desk-based-assessments: we routinely undertake these and other documentary
research to inform community projects and commercial site work. DBAs are often
formerly requested by local or national planning authorities, curators, consultants
and property developers to assess the possibility of archaeological remains being
in the study or new build areas. It is recommended that this work is carried out
before any development work commences.
Watching briefs:
during the building of a new home or large development site a
watching brief might be required as part of the planning process. This involves the
monitoring of ground works associated with the development for potential
archaeological remains. Our professional team of archaeologists will deal with
any remains that may be encountered and systematically clean and record
those features to CIFA standards which will enable a report to be produced to
help you sign off the planning condition.
Site Evaluation: prior to the development of your site the local authority may ask
for more information. We carry out evaluations of all types and sizes. A site
evaluation usually involves the opening of test pits or trial-trenches to sample a
small percentage of the proposed development site. Prior to this we can carry
out some desk-top-research, fieldwalking and geophysical survey in order to
inform the placement of the trenches. We can use this information and liaise
with your architect and the planning officer and mitigate the impact of your
development on any archaeological remains in turn keeping costs down.